pregnant woman holding her ultrasound picture

How to Get Pregnant Fast

When thinking about getting pregnant we generally envision ourselves telling our loved ones, growing a little belly and even what our baby shower would look like. But rarely do we imagine becoming pregnant as a difficult process.

About 1 in 5 married American women (with no prior birth history) are unable to get pregnant after one year of trying (infertility). And ~1 in 4 women in this group have difficulty getting pregnant or carrying a pregnancy to term (impaired fecundity).

I’ll be honest, I was in my 30’s when I decided I wanted to become pregnant. And I thought it might be difficult because of my age alone. But to my surprise, I actually became pregnant the first time my partner and I tried. 

As a person of science I researched and did certain things that enhanced my abilities to conceive right away:

1. Menstrual Cycle

The main thing was learning my menstrual cycle. 

Tracking my cycle to identify my fertile window (around the middle of my cycle) was important. The fertile window is when ovulation occurs and is generally around the middle of your cycle. This is the best time to conceive.

A good way to track your cycle is by using a period tracker app.

Most (if not all) will show when you are most fertile.

2. Healthy Lifestyle Habits

Maintaining a healthy weight (BMI between 18.5-24.9), eating a balanced diet, and exercising regularly can all help result in a pregnancy.

While being under or overweight can negatively affect your fertility.

For me personally, I was on the lower end of a normal BMI so I worked to increase my weight. I did this by eating more protein. Please read this article to see exactly how to do this.

3. Quit Smoking and Limit Alcohol

Smoking and/or excessive alcohol consumption can reduce fertility. 

Quit smoking and limit alcohol intake to improve your chances of getting pregnant.

I don’t smoke but I did eliminate drinking before the holidays began as we had planned to get pregnant in the New Year.

4. Reduce Stress

High levels of stress can disrupt your menstrual cycle and reduce fertility. 

Practicing stress-reduction techniques such as yoga, meditation, or deep breathing exercises can help in this matter.

Personally, this helped me immensely as I practice daily meditations and do positive affirmations.

5. Regular Sexual Activity

Have regular sexual intercourse. And especially so during your fertile window. Aim for every 1-2 days during that time.

Infographic displaying the top 5 ways that can help a couple get pregnant.
Infographic displaying the next 5 ways that can help a couple get pregnant.

6. Healthy Sperm and Egg

Ensure both partners maintain good reproductive health. 

This would include: avoiding excessive heat (i.e. hot tubs or saunas) and addressing any underlying medical conditions.

7. Preconception Checkup

Visit a healthcare provider in order to receive a thorough checkup beforehand.

This will help identify and address any underlying health issues that may affect your ability to conceive. 

I was not able to do this during my time because I did not have a family doctor as I had recently moved to a new province. 

8. Folic Acid

Start taking a prenatal vitamin with folic acid before trying to conceive. Folic acid can reduce the risk of neural tube defects in a developing fetus. 

I started taking one a month prior to beginning. 

9. Use Certain Lubricants

Some lubricants can inhibit sperm motility. 

So if needed please use fertility-friendly lubricants, or opt for natural methods like saliva. 

10. Patience and Timing

Don’t get discouraged if it doesn’t happen right away.

Knowing that it may take some time to get pregnant can help ease the stress you may initially feel. Instead, keep trying, have fun, and remain patient.

Remember that it’s important to consult with a healthcare provider if you are having trouble getting pregnant, especially if you have been trying for a year or longer (or 6 months if you’re over 35).

They can provide guidance, perform fertility tests if necessary, and recommend appropriate treatments or interventions. 

Additionally, your healthcare provider can offer personalized advice based on your specific health and fertility factors.